FROM: Barbara Hannah, Chief Counsel
SUBJECT: Disability Retirement Application of Shelisa Williams
Approve and adopt the proposed findings and recommendations of the referee regarding the Service-Connected Disability Retirement of Shelisa Williams - San Bernardino County - Sheriff.
This matter is in closed session because the Applicant failed to meet her burden to prove that she is permanently incapacitated for the performance of her usual duties. The Hearing Officer recommends the Board maintain its initial decision to deny Applicant's request for a service-connected disability retirement because the applicant is not permanently incapacitated for the performance of her usual duties. Under the Procedures for Disability Retirement and Formal Hearings, Applicant will have an opportunity to address the Board in closed session.
Procedural History:
At the May 2, 2024, meeting of the Board of Retirement, the Board found that Applicant is not incapacitated for the performance of her usual duties, and therefore, denied Applicant's request for a service-connected disability retirement.
On May 29, 2024, Applicant requested an Expedited Administrative Review to appeal the Board's initial decision to deny a service-connected disability retirement. On September 12, 2024, applicant was served with the Hearing Officer's Proposed Findings of Fact and Recommended Decision. Applicant did not submit an objection to the Hearing Officer's findings and recommendations.
Other Options Available if Staff's Recommendation is Not Adopted:
Although staff recommends approving the hearing officer's findings, pursuant to Government Code Section 31534, upon receiving the final proposed findings and recommended decision of the referee, the board may, in the alternative:
(a) Require a transcript or summary of all the t...
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