FROM: Don Pierce, Chief Investment Officer
SUBJECT: State Street Investment Board Report
Chief Investment Officer.
Attached hereto is the State Street Investment Board Report as of July 31, 2024.
The SBCERA Board investment performance report now has two additional total plan performance measures in addition to its existing Total Policy Plan Index.
Current Performance Measure
The Total Plan Index is the strategic policy index the Board approves each year. It reflects the opportunity cost benchmark choices held at the policy weight.
Additional Performance Measures
1. The Total Plan Index Asset Weighted is the strategic policy index described above, but now reflects the actual weights of the policy implementation. This means Trustees could compare this index to the static Total Plan Index to identify how well the informed rebalancing has performed.
2. The Total Plan Manager Weighted Index weights each individual manager's more granular benchmark such as high yield, private equity, emerging market debt, and emerging market equity. Trustees could use this to help evaluate the value add of the existing managers by comparing this manager weighted index result to the total plan return.
Attribution Performance Measures
1. Allocation Effect - measures excess performance differences between actual vs policy asset class weights
2. Structure Effect - measures excess performance differences between manager benchmarks and the asset class benchmarks
3. Selection Effect - measures excess performance differences between the total plan and the manager weighted benchmarks.
Overall, these new performance measures will help the Board evaluate the program with more granularity and consider other attribution factors in the evaluation of SBCERA's performance.
Prudent Fiscal Management
Don Pierce
Exhibit A: July 31, 2024 State S...
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